
breaker less electronic ignition中文什么意思

  • 无白金式电子点火
  • breaker:    n. (救生艇上的)淡水桶,小水桶。
  • less:    adj. 〔little 的比较级之一〕 1.更小的,较 ...
  • electronic:    adj. 电子的,电子操纵的;用电子设备生产的;用电子设 ...
  • ignition:    n. 1.点火,着火,燃烧;【化学】灼热。 2.【机械工 ...
  • electronic ignition:    电子点火
  • ignition breaker point:    点火一次线路断开点
  • ignition contact breaker:    点火断电器
  • all electronic ignition system:    完全电子化点火系统
  • all-electronic ignition system:    完全电子化点火系统
  • bei breakerless electronic ignition:    无白金式电子点火
  • eci electronic controlled ignition:    电子控制点火
  • ei electronic ignition:    电子点火
  • eis electronic ignition system:    电子点火系统
  • electronic ignition system:    电子点火系统; 电子控制点火系统
  • electronic ignition tester:    电子点火试验器
  • (iei) integrated electronic ignition:    整体式电子点火
  • ei system electronic ignition system:    电子点火系统
  • -less:     〔附在名词或动词之后〕 1.构成形容词,表示“无”,“缺”,“没有”: endless, homeless, leafless. 2.构成副词,表示“不”, doubtless.
  • less:    adj. 〔little 的比较级之一〕 1.更小的,较小的,更少的,较少的。 2.较次的,较劣的,较不重要的;身分较低的。 find less difficulty with one's work 觉得工作困难较少。 Your shadow hasn't grown any less. 你一点也没有瘦。 an article of less weight 更轻的东西。 Eat more vegetable and less meat. 多吃蔬菜少吃肉。 He spends less time at work than at play. 他工作上的时间比游玩时间少。 less but better 少而精。 L- noise, please! 请静一点。 More haste, less speed. 〔谚语〕欲速则不达。 try to make less mistakes 尽量少犯错误。 an article of less value 更不值钱的东西。 a matter of less importance 次要的事情。 James the L- 副手杰姆斯,打下手的杰姆斯。 ★ 表示数量意义时, fewer 比 less 普通: Fewer people study Latin today than formerly. 现在学拉丁文的人比从前少了。 far less 远不及。 little less 少一点。 little less than 相差无几。 more or less 多少,或多或少,若干。 no less than 1. 正好…,至少…,有…那么多 (He has no less than three daughters. 他有三个女儿之多)。 2. 原来就是,…那样的 (He was no less (a person) than the mayor. 他原来就是市长)。 nothing less than = no less than (We expected nothing less than an attack. 受攻击是预料到的)。 adv. 1.较少,更少。 2.没有…那样。 be less known 不大著名。 He is less fat than he was. 他不及过去胖了。 The heat has grown less intense. 没有先前那样热了。 Eat less, drink less and sleep more. 少吃少喝多睡觉。 Speak less and listen more. 少讲多听。 no less ... than 不下于,和…同样 (He is no less clever than his brother. 他跟他兄弟一样聪明)。 none the less = not the less = no less 仍旧,依然 (He has faults, but I like him none the less . = I like him none the less for his faults. = He has faults; none the less, I like him. 他有缺点,但我仍旧喜欢他)。 not less than 不少于;至少 (Each party shall consist of not less than ten. 每组至少由十人组成)。 not less ... than 在…方面不下于 (The pupil was not less famous than his master. 学生同老师齐名)。 nothing less than 完全一样 (He is nothing less than a thief. 他简直是个贼). sth. less than 较…少几分。 still [even, much] less 〔附在否定句后〕更不用说,何况 (We fear no death, still less difficulties. 我们死都不怕,何况困难)。 少掉;不足;减去。 a year less three days 一年差三天。 Five less three leaves two. 五减三剩二。 n. 较少,更小。 expect to see less of sb. 不想多见某人。 He is less of a fool than he looks 他不像看上去那样笨。 He will not take less. 他不肯少拿〔坚持要那么多〕。 in less than a year 在不到一年的时间里。 L- of your nonsense. 少说废话。 L- than twenty of them remain now. 他们剩下的现在还不到二十人。 any the less 更少一点,更小一些 (He did not work any the less for his illness. 他虽有病在身,工作却没有少做)。 in less than no time 立刻,马上。 nothing less than 同样,正好是,恰恰是。
  • no less:    仍然,依旧,还是; 只有
  • or less:    氢溴酸溶液
  • will less:    未立遗嘱
  • ignition:    n. 1.点火,着火,燃烧;【化学】灼热。 2.【机械工程】发火装置。
  • breaker:    n. 1.破坏者,破碎者;破碎装置,轧碎[石、煤]机;离解机;【纺织;印染】头道梳毛机。 2.【航海】(打在暗礁、海岸上的)碎浪花。 3.驯兽者。 4.【电学】断路器;汽车的拥胎带。 5.(垦荒用的)锄;开拓者。 a breaker of idols 捣毁偶像者。 a coal breaker碎煤机。 a horse breaker 驯马师;驯马者。 breakers ahead! 【航海】注意暗礁!危险! n. (救生艇上的)淡水桶,小水桶。
  • breaker-in:    训练牛、马的人。
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        breaker:    n. (救生艇上的)淡水桶,小水桶。
        less:    adj. 〔little 的比较级之一〕 1.更小的,较 ...
        electronic:    adj. 电子的,电子操纵的;用电子设备生产的;用电子设 ...
        ignition:    n. 1.点火,着火,燃烧;【化学】灼热。 2.【机械工 ...
        electronic ignition:    电子点火
        ignition breaker point:    点火一次线路断开点
        ignition contact breaker:    点火断电器
        all electronic ignition system:    完全电子化点火系统
        all-electronic ignition system:    完全电子化点火系统
        bei breakerless electronic ignition:    无白金式电子点火
        eci electronic controlled ignition:    电子控制点火
        ei electronic ignition:    电子点火
        eis electronic ignition system:    电子点火系统
        electronic ignition system:    电子点火系统; 电子控制点火系统
        electronic ignition tester:    电子点火试验器
        (iei) integrated electronic ignition:    整体式电子点火
        ei system electronic ignition system:    电子点火系统
        -less:     〔附在名词或动词之后〕 1.构成形容词,表示“无”,“缺”,“没有”: endless, homeless, leafless. 2.构成副词,表示“不”, doubtless.
        less:    adj. 〔little 的比较级之一〕 1.更小的,较小的,更少的,较少的。 2.较次的,较劣的,较不重要的;身分较低的。 find less difficulty with one's work 觉得工作困难较少。 Your shadow hasn't grown any less. 你一点也没有瘦。 an article of less weight 更轻的东西。 Eat more vegetable and less meat. 多吃蔬菜少吃肉。 He spends less time at work than at play. 他工作上的时间比游玩时间少。 less but better 少而精。 L- noise, please! 请静一点。 More haste, less speed. 〔谚语〕欲速则不达。 try to make less mistakes 尽量少犯错误。 an article of less value 更不值钱的东西。 a matter of less importance 次要的事情。 James the L- 副手杰姆斯,打下手的杰姆斯。 ★ 表示数量意义时, fewer 比 less 普通: Fewer people study Latin today than formerly. 现在学拉丁文的人比从前少了。 far less 远不及。 little less 少一点。 little less than 相差无几。 more or less 多少,或多或少,若干。 no less than 1. 正好…,至少…,有…那么多 (He has no less than three daughters. 他有三个女儿之多)。 2. 原来就是,…那样的 (He was no less (a person) than the mayor. 他原来就是市长)。 nothing less than = no less than (We expected nothing less than an attack. 受攻击是预料到的)。 adv. 1.较少,更少。 2.没有…那样。 be less known 不大著名。 He is less fat than he was. 他不及过去胖了。 The heat has grown less intense. 没有先前那样热了。 Eat less, drink less and sleep more. 少吃少喝多睡觉。 Speak less and listen more. 少讲多听。 no less ... than 不下于,和…同样 (He is no less clever than his brother. 他跟他兄弟一样聪明)。 none the less = not the less = no less 仍旧,依然 (He has faults, but I like him none the less . = I like him none the less for his faults. = He has faults; none the less, I like him. 他有缺点,但我仍旧喜欢他)。 not less than 不少于;至少 (Each party shall consist of not less than ten. 每组至少由十人组成)。 not less ... than 在…方面不下于 (The pupil was not less famous than his master. 学生同老师齐名)。 nothing less than 完全一样 (He is nothing less than a thief. 他简直是个贼). sth. less than 较…少几分。 still [even, much] less 〔附在否定句后〕更不用说,何况 (We fear no death, still less difficulties. 我们死都不怕,何况困难)。 少掉;不足;减去。 a year less three days 一年差三天。 Five less three leaves two. 五减三剩二。 n. 较少,更小。 expect to see less of sb. 不想多见某人。 He is less of a fool than he looks 他不像看上去那样笨。 He will not take less. 他不肯少拿〔坚持要那么多〕。 in less than a year 在不到一年的时间里。 L- of your nonsense. 少说废话。 L- than twenty of them remain now. 他们剩下的现在还不到二十人。 any the less 更少一点,更小一些 (He did not work any the less for his illness. 他虽有病在身,工作却没有少做)。 in less than no time 立刻,马上。 nothing less than 同样,正好是,恰恰是。
        no less:    仍然,依旧,还是; 只有
        or less:    氢溴酸溶液
        will less:    未立遗嘱
        ignition:    n. 1.点火,着火,燃烧;【化学】灼热。 2.【机械工程】发火装置。
        breaker:    n. 1.破坏者,破碎者;破碎装置,轧碎[石、煤]机;离解机;【纺织;印染】头道梳毛机。 2.【航海】(打在暗礁、海岸上的)碎浪花。 3.驯兽者。 4.【电学】断路器;汽车的拥胎带。 5.(垦荒用的)锄;开拓者。 a breaker of idols 捣毁偶像者。 a coal breaker碎煤机。 a horse breaker 驯马师;驯马者。 breakers ahead! 【航海】注意暗礁!危险! n. (救生艇上的)淡水桶,小水桶。
        breaker-in:    训练牛、马的人。


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